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conversion of religion

(Querist) 04 December 2008 This query is : Resolved 
what procedure is required to convert from hindu to muslim
RAKHI BUDHIRAJA ADVOCATE (Expert) 04 December 2008
first of all tell me the purpose for the conversion of religion.
bhagwant (Expert) 04 December 2008
person born on earth is Hindu, other religions are just sacraments performed during life, so no body can convert from Hindu to other religion, that person can only adopt sacraments till death. So there is no any procedure.
karishma (Querist) 05 December 2008

thanks for the reply bhagwant

i thought this site is to share legal knowledge.....not spiritual ...

karishma (Querist) 05 December 2008

Dear Rakhi
thanks so your reply n time too query is resolved
Adv.Shine Thomas (Expert) 05 December 2008
An affidavit attested by the notary public or the 1 st class magistrate along with the convertion certificate issued by the Muslim Priest is the legal proof of Religious conversion.
A. A. JOSE (Expert) 05 December 2008
The procedure to become a Muslim involves a preliminary requirement for the person concerned to prepare by proper bath and thereafter by reading of "KALEMA-A-TOHID". Other than the above, there is no other special religious ritual involved.
A. A. JOSE (Expert) 06 December 2008
Dear Bhagwant,

Regarding your comments hereinabove, I suggest you would perhaps do well to peruse apex court's view in the matter from para-6 in AIR 1971 SC 2352 - PERUMAL V/S PONNUSWAMI according to which a person may be Hindu by birth OR by CONVERSION please.


KamalNayanSaxena (Expert) 09 December 2008
Religion is a matter of faith stemming from the depth of the heart and mind. Religion, faith or devotion are not easily interchangeable. If the person feigns to have adopted another religion just for some wordly gain or benefit, it would be religious bigotry. Looked at from this angle, a person who mockingly adopts another religion where plurality of marriage is permitted so as to renounce the previous marriage and desert the wife, he cannot be permitted to take advantage of his exploitation, as religion is not a commodity to be exploited.
ritu bhadana (Expert) 03 April 2009
i totally agree with mr. jose
Hiralal Das (Expert) 05 April 2009
I do agree with the valuable opinions of the learned members. Thanks all of you.

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