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(Querist) 18 June 2009 This query is : Resolved 

Hi,Is it Compulsory to get the Power of Attorney Notarized?

If yes, then plz let me know the relevant act and section.

A V Vishal (Expert) 18 June 2009
What is the purpose for which the POA is executed, kindly furnish details
M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Expert) 18 June 2009
In case if POA is for transfer of immoveable properties, then the same has to be registered with the registration authorities. Whether a POA has to be registered or notarized depends upon the purpose for which it is executed.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 19 June 2009
For execution , presetnationa , admission of execution and Registation of Deeds in SRO the GPA must be Registered ,
for all other purposes , accordign to the needs /purposes , it can be attested by Notary !
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 19 June 2009
In addition to the answers of Sri Piravi and Y.V.V. it is not compulsority regiastrable if PA is exeucted in favour of the relative.
M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Expert) 19 June 2009
Mr. Rajeev, Is there any proviso or any citation to the effect that POA is not compulsorily registrable if executed in favour of relative, as opined by you.
Uma parameswaran (Expert) 20 June 2009
Notarizing the POA is mandatory.

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