Widow daughter in law property claim
(Querist) 25 October 2017
This query is : Resolved
Can widow daughter in law having child can claim father in law self acquired property?
(Expert) 25 October 2017
If father in law is alive no legal claim could be made in his self acquired property
Advocate Bhartesh goyal
(Expert) 25 October 2017
During the lifetime of father in law daughter in law can not claim in his self acqu�red property.
(Querist) 25 October 2017
Thank you experts
Can widow daughter in law having child claim property of deceased father in law if he had already prepared will ?
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 26 October 2017
There are conflicting judgments delivered by various courts on this issue (including recent verdict of Bombay High Court), consult your lawyer.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 26 October 2017
IN Varinder Kaur Vs.JItendra KUmar& Another the punjab & haryana highcourt in 2008 delivered the following judgment.
... Read more at: http://www.livelaw.in/woman-cant-claim-right-father-laws-property-punjab-haryana-hc/... Read more at: http://www.livelaw.in/woman-cant-claim-right-father-laws-property-punjab-haryana-hc/...
Read more at: http://www.livelaw.in/woman-cant-claim-right-father-laws-property-punjab-haryana-hc/
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 26 October 2017
Kishor Mehta
(Expert) 26 October 2017
A person has a right to make a WILL of his self acquired properties and distribute it as per his wishes.
Daughter-in-law, with or without a child, can not claim share in self acquired property of her father-in-law AGAINST his wishes.
(Querist) 26 October 2017
Thank you all experts
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 26 October 2017
Academic query.
State material facts of the problem if any.
How are you concerned / related with the query?
Looks like examination question.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 26 October 2017
Vashistaji is right......
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 27 October 2017
Thanks Mr. Kumar Doab for agreeing with me.
(Querist) 27 October 2017
@Dr. J C Vashista pls share recent verdict of Bombay High Court
(Querist) 27 October 2017
@Dr. J C Vashista pls share recent verdict of Bombay High Court
(Querist) 27 October 2017
@Dr. J C Vashista pls share recent verdict of Bombay High Court
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 05 November 2017
You are welcome.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 23 June 2018
Dear LCI Querist @ Mr. Rahul,
Vashistaji must have shared the said Bombay HC verdict with you and you can benfit from IT.
Yours is interesting query.
Pls share the impact of Bombay HC verdict and outcome of your matter in this thread...
Hemant Agarwal
(Expert) 02 August 2018
1. TECHNICALLY, your Son can claim his rights over his deceased Grand-Father's property, PROVIDED:
a) Your Son, is the only legal heir (Class-I),
b) You have another legitimate WILL of the latest date,
c) You can prove that your Son's Grand Father, was mentally unfit, while preparing will.
d) other factors ....
2. You as a Daughter-in-Law, DO NOT derive legal rights over your Father-in-Law's property. HOWEVER, IF the FIL had duly transferred the property in your Husbands name, via any intrument (including a Will), THEN you would have been entitled to your Husbands property.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
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