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Court transfer

(Querist) 16 November 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I'm Japanese and live in Noida. There was incident by my servant and driver 1.5 years ago while I was in Japan. They earned with my car and damaged it, also brought girl in my house with friends for entertainment in many days. They planed to keep me alone with unknown one driver in my house after my coming back. I hardly filed FIR and sent them court. But nothing was happened till today in local (distik) court in U.P. If culptics will not punished,some other boy also may try in future. I'm not feel safe in this condition.

I'd like to take correct judgement ASAP. Should I apply for transfer court to Delhi? If so, How much amount and how many days will be required?

Kindly give me advice.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 16 November 2013
No such transfer would be possible in your case but you may approach the High Court of Allahabad for a direction that case be heard
expeditiously and within a prescribed period
or be transferred to a fast track court,if there be any.
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 16 November 2013
the accused are on bail or not?
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 16 November 2013
Case can not be transferred to Delhi either.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 16 November 2013
Case can not be transferred to Delhi under present conditions.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 16 November 2013
nothing to add more.
oyayubihime (Querist) 17 November 2013
Thank you for your all advices.

Can I transfer this case to fast track court in Delhi?

Culprits got vail at the same day of reaching the court. No hearing has done after that in 1.5 years. I don't have a hope to get justice except Delhi.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 17 November 2013
Case will not be transferred because offence is committed at NOIDA
oyayubihime (Querist) 17 November 2013
After getting charge for culprit in local court, Can I transfer to Delhi high court?

V R SHROFF (Expert) 17 November 2013
YOU MAY INFORM THIS INCIDENT TO HOME MINISTRY/ to expedite the matter , u being foreigner,
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 17 November 2013
Well advised by experts so no more to add.
oyayubihime (Querist) 18 November 2013
Thank you for your good advice. Could you tell me which section of Home Ministry should I go?
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate Online (Expert) 19 November 2013
If you are a foreigner, you approach your Embassy/High Commission with your grievances and ask them to approach the Home Ministry through MEA for speedy disposal of impending case through the law ministry

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