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Credit card back from 2005

(Querist) 15 December 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Hello Everyone,
I had a credit card back from Standard Chartered in 2001 and last payment was done in 2005 and now in Dec 2015 a guy from Mumbai calls me and tells me that he is a lawyer for Standard Chartered bank and he says that I have not paid the credit card from 2005 and now I have 2 options. Options are I can comprise and pay Standard Chartered through this lawyer or else he will issue a legal notice and issue a non bailable warrant against me. I am not a lawyer and quick search on Google says that there is something called statute of limitations so please help me answer some of the questions I have?
Q1: Does statute of limitations apply to me as the last payment was done in 2005
Q2: If I ignore this lawyer, can he issue a non bailable warrant against me
What do I do?
P. Venu (Expert) 16 December 2015
What is the truth - Is there any due?

Anyhow, the alleged dues appears to be barred by limitation unless there had been subsequent acknowledgement of the debt.

There is no question of any non-bailable warrant as no criminal action lies.
K.S.Srinivas (Expert) 17 December 2015
1. The statute of limitations in India is defined by the Limitations Act, 1963. In my view it is applicable in your case.
2. The answer is NO. The Lawyer cannot issue a non-bailable warrant. Summons and warrants are issued only by the court of law and not banks/lawyers.These are pressure tactics by the bank to recover the money.

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