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(Querist) 09 November 2009 This query is : Resolved 
a colleague of mine took Rs.4000 from me as debt two and half months ago.i didnt insist on writing a pro note.oral agreement to repay the same without any interest was the lendor,am i entitled to demand interest on the sum he borrowed? is it legal to ask for a 10percent interest at the time of repayment without informing him beforehand?
A V Vishal (Expert) 09 November 2009
No it is not legal for you to demand interest at even 0.1% at the time of repayment since no such condition was agreed or prevalent at the time of lending the amount.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 09 November 2009
u cannot demand to pay interest on the borrowed amount. You dont have any written agreement or hand loan chit.
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 09 November 2009
You can not demand to pay interest on the borrowed amount. You dont have any written agreement, so it is very difficult to prove in the court.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 09 November 2009
You yourself are replying your question. No term to pay interest fixed so no interest is payable.
bhupender sharma (Expert) 09 November 2009
The interest is agreed to be paid by the parties on the amount landed, other wise it is up to u to prove that the borrower was inclined to pay the interest on the borrowed amount.
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed (Expert) 10 November 2009
There is no scope to get interest from your friend as a matter of fact there was no such agreement.

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