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Delayed judgment for succession case in civil court

(Querist) 01 April 2018 This query is : Resolved 
My succession case has been going on since last 20 years in Mirzapur, Civil court. I have a registered will and the final hearing was done 2 months ago. The magistrate is delaying the judgment. She gives a date and says that she has written half of the judgment but has not completed and given it yet. What action can be taken against her or to speed up the process.
P. Venu (Expert) 02 April 2018
You can bring matters to the notice of the High Court.
Guest (Expert) 02 April 2018
You had already waited for such a long time and Judgement would be announced in maximum one month. Please Wait humbly. Any suit in High Court could affect your Judgement..Decision and Discretion of Court can not be objected and only Appeal would be the remedy and you would be the ultimate sufferer . Be patience and wait for a month.
nalini (Querist) 02 April 2018
Thank you P.Venu we were thinking of taking it to the high Court but as Mr. Narsimha stated that I should wait for a month more there fore we are planning to go and try to meet the magistrate and see where the problem is. How can we meet her? Is there a way to meet her and request her?
Guest (Expert) 02 April 2018
Let your Advocate handle it. Basing on the Last date of Hearing the next dates would be posted in the Records till the Judgement is Posted/. /Announced. Better you should Avoid meeting the Concerned Magistrate for this. But you could clarify this with the Concerned Bench Clerk of the Concerned Court in a very friendly and Polite manner before or after Court Hours.
P. Venu (Expert) 02 April 2018
I had not suggested filing any application or petition in the High Court. Every High Court has guardian (or similarly) designated Judges for each District supervising the functioning of subordinate judiciary. The matter could be brought to their notice.
nalini (Querist) 03 April 2018
Should I ask my lawyer to get a written date from the magistrate for the next hearing because she has been giving verbal dates lately for the judgment?
P. Venu (Expert) 03 April 2018
You may verify the factual position from
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 04 April 2018
Consult your lawyer for better reply.
nalini (Querist) 25 April 2018
Respected advocates, my lawyer called me couple of days back and said that the judge who has kept our judgment on hold since 3 months has said that a senior judge is putting pressure on her to give the judgment in favour of the other party and also that they have offered Rs. 3 lakhs to her but she is not interested in the money and will not give the judgment. She is being transferred in couple of weeks and will without giving judgment. I have been fighting for my rights for more then 20 years and now at the end this sort of thing has happened. Kindly tell me what can be done regarding this? She is indirectly
asking for money from me?
P. Venu (Expert) 25 April 2018
Your lawyer is less than professional!
nalini (Querist) 25 April 2018
Venu ji, do you think my lawyer is cheating me because he is supposed to be one of the best and senior lawyers of the city and what can I do to know if the judge is asking for money and what can be done? Can I make a complain?

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