Do i need to obtain a license for my pest control business ?
Querist :
(Querist) 21 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
Am from i need to register this ? whom should i contact ? how much will it cost me? do i need to obtain a service tax number ? ...pls help
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 21 October 2009
yes you will have to obtain service tax no., from the exise department.
linmit turnover for the service tax is Rs.400000/-
It is better to register with the sales tax dept., by obtaining the VAT No. to avoid the future troubles from the tax department.
(Expert) 21 October 2009
It is leviable under service tax not under vat because of no sale and deemed sale if your nature of business is like that.
The superintendent of service tax,
O/o The commissioner of service tax,
service tax commissionerate,
692, MHU complex,
Nandanam, Chennai-600 035.
My suggestion is that unless otherwise department is comforward to say that your business is under service tax net-do not register for service tax.
A V Vishal
(Expert) 21 October 2009
Rajeev & Anonymous,
The limit for service tax is Rs.10.00 lakhs and not 40.00 lakhs as replied. The querist has not clearly mentioned what he will do in pest control business, a bit more clarity is required on the nature of business he will be doing, will there be any service component or purchase & sale transaction of pest control items.