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IPC 307

(Querist) 18 April 2009 This query is : Resolved 
One person was arrested U/s 307 of IPC he was granted bail on the condition that he has to attend police station every day. Now almost 3 months have passed. The lawyer informed him that once the chargesheet will be filed he wil not be required to daily go to police station. But Yet the charge sheet is not filed. My question is from when he will not be required to go to the police station is there any other remedy to the person.

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 18 April 2009
Only after filing the charge sheet accused need to attend the police station. 3 months is the time to file a chargesheet, but in heneious offences to file a chargsheet policy can take up to 6 months, because they will have to investigate the case and record the statements of the wittnesses and Investing Officers etc., it is some lengthy procees. till filing of charge sheet it is the duty of the accused to visit the police station without fail. If he failed to do so his bai may be cancelled.
navendu kumar (Expert) 18 April 2009
Dear Mr. Rajeev, I am not agree with you. Better to look into Section 167, Cr. P. C.
Dear Mr. Ganesh, without looking into the bail order it would not be proper to make any comment.
PRAKASHCHANDRA MARU (Expert) 18 April 2009
i agree with the sugesstion of the navedu kumar
N.K.Assumi (Expert) 19 April 2009
Dear Members,
Please see the case of Free Legal Aid Committee vs State of Bihar (1982) 3 SCC 378: the observation of Mr.Sibal, is relevant. 90 days is the period of filling charge sheet, but accused is on bail,and has to appear before the police for mtters connected with the investigation by the police, but daily appereance in the police station is too harsh and may be prayed for modifications if there is such conditions in bail orders.
MANISH (Expert) 20 April 2009
Dear friend,
In your situation, the accused may go to the High Court U/s 482 CrPC, and from that court may ask for the relief and for the alteration of the order.

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