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morgadge release deed

(Querist) 24 February 2010 This query is : Resolved 
morgadge release deed
my query is
1)whether morgadge release deed can be ragistered on 100 rs stamp papper at sub Ragistrar office
2) pls give me standerdd draft of morgadge release deed
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 24 February 2010
1. It can be drafted on a stamp paper of Rs. 100/-

2. Provide the facts of your matter.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 24 February 2010
It can be written on Rs.100/0 but for registration Stamp act will apply. You will have to pay the stamp duty
shrikant chede (Querist) 24 February 2010
Respected makkad sir
one of our employee borrow or take house biulding allowence loan from maharashtra electricity distribution company limited &company morgadges his house in order to secure payment
That employee pay whole principle and intrest amount the company issue order stating to release him from all liabilities .company is ready to execute morgadge release deed
Sir pleas give me draft of morgage release deed
shrikant chede (Querist) 24 February 2010
how much stamp duty is required ,it is just simple morgadge release pls reply exactly
shrikant chede (Querist) 24 February 2010
and what is ragistration fees?

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