false charges
(Querist) 16 May 2013
This query is : Resolved
Respected experts,
my brother and his wife lived separtly on rent for almost 3 years after my parents disownd them..on 24 oct 2012 they came to our house and had an argument wid us regarding property,on 25 oct night my brother,his wife and other inlaws attackd us and we got injrd badly,we went to police and regstrd a case undr 323,147,452,506,427.in uttarakhand..against my brother,his wife and his inlaws..after two days of this my brother's father in law filed a case in u.p. Undr 498a,323,324,504,506, against my brother(his son in law),(although he is staying with her daughtr currntly)me and my father,stated that on 25 oct we went to his place and beaten up them..but the fact is on 25th oct they were at our place for which we regisrd case against them..he also stated that his daughter's son (my nephew) was born at his place in U.P. and we all three took 5lakh rupee to bring his daughtr home,but the fact is my nephew was born in our town We hav bills of nursng hme and birth certificate..he also stated that we all three broke her daughter's leg ..but the fact is she slipd over floor and she was admitd to hospital also,that time i was nt at home i was in my ofice,i got on duty certificate frm my ofice..he stated sme more false thngs for that we have proofs and we sent all proofs to SSP of the concernd area..after sme time we heard the police has put final report in dis case..but now we got notice frm the police regardng the case..when we contactd police then we got to knw the IO has been replaced and 452,436 ipc has been added..the investigatng officr said that he has political presure on him to do this...what should we do now..should we apply for anticptry bail,or a stay..? .....points which cotradict this case--in 498a case they said that her daughtr,s leg were broken by all three of us including her husbnd,but in DV act case she is saying that her leg was broken by only two of us excludng her husbnd.bcz she is stayng with her husbnd ryt now and she doesnt hav any problm with him...2-the phone location details can help in finding everyone,s location..we have given all the proofs to u.p. Police but police is undr political presure...plz help..
(Querist) 16 May 2013
Besides 498a, they chargd my brother(his son in law who is with them) for enterng their house,beating them for what they hav fake witness also..would other charges like 323,324,452,506 imply on my brother....since he is with them why they made acused him also? .
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 16 May 2013
consult local lawyer.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 16 May 2013
Case filed by in laws is counter attack on you for filing a complaint against them. You can challenge the FIR in the high court. You produce the complaint lodged against them.
(Querist) 16 May 2013
Can u giveme ur email-id so that i can discus in detail
(Querist) 16 May 2013
Anyone can help in this matter professionaly..plz drop a reply ...amanrathor.libran@gmail.com....mob-8650500050
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 17 May 2013
Your case is very perfect in nature wherein you can definitely demand quashing of FIR. On the alleged day, you were getting treatment in hospital due to injuries and how is it possible that on the same day and time, you appeared a far off place and badly injured the complainant or so other alleged persons?
You need legal help of a seasoned lawyer.