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E Fraud entry to my a/c

(Querist) 01 October 2009 This query is : Resolved 
I am writing this mail to you as i have been trapped in a cyber racket fraudently. Actually i was contacted by some Richard Powell of Bloom Modern Textile in uk by mail for part time job of payment manager. My job was to receive the payment in my a/c on his behalf and deposit the same in his a/c. For this i was to be paid a commission of 5%, which i agreed & accepted.
On 28/9/09 night , i was told on phone by Powell that my a/c has been credited Rs.50000 and i should deposit the same in 2 accounts next day after deducting my commision .Accounts were that of mukesh kumar in icicibank &Rajesh kumar Bhaskar in State Bank of India.I deposited the payment promptly and informed powell by mail. On 29th night I recieved a call from ICICIbank's bombay office, enquiring that money.He wanted to know whether i know powell or Rajesh Kumar or Mukesh kumar? I told him that i was hired by powell & on his instruction i have deposited the money in 2 a/cs.Only then he told me that money has been credited to my a/c fraudently from the a/c of some rahul sood & he has lodged a complaint against me. Now how can i know that a particular money transferred to my a/c is a fraud money or genuine? It was only after that phone i realized that i have been trapped in a racket. I am a retired person dependent on my children. Now pl. advise me , what should i do to come out of this racket. Bank people have freezed my a/c & they are not ready to enquire at their end, that how this transaction took place without knowledge of account holder.
Pl. help me.
Bharat Bhushan
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 01 October 2009
It is the mistake of the bank how come they credited the amount to your a/c.from others a/c. zyou issue a notice to the bank stating he true facts.
DD Sathe (Expert) 02 October 2009
Please file FIR with nearest police station giving full facts and enclosing the receipt request bank to defreeze the account.
All the best.

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