shekhar sharma
(Querist) 13 January 2016
This query is : Resolved
i m working in govt autonomous body (ESIC).after announcement of new pension scheme in 22dec 2003 govt implemented from 1-1-04.but corporation approved it on 23-4-04 in standing committe meeting wef plz clear employees who had joined before 23-4-04 are coverd under it or not ?
P. Venu
(Expert) 14 January 2016
You have been working for more than a decade. The answer should be known to you.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 14 January 2016
Have the employee been issued any letter? Have employees joined between 01.01.04 to 23.04.2004 signed any undertaking / consent letter in this regard?
(Expert) 14 January 2016
Any reason for raising such a question after 12 years of your joining?
Better state the real problem, if any, you have faced on account of nps.
(Expert) 25 January 2016
The query is self-explanatory.
(Expert) 25 January 2016
The querist is silent for the last 11 days, which itself denotes, that he did not have any real problem, but wanted a solution to his academic question.
shekhar sharma
(Querist) 25 January 2016
We have been doing our homework not silent.we just some want respected opinion wheat her going legal on this issue after 11 yes has merit or not.of course we are late because we do not possess the document which States that it was adopted retrospectively in our Case. We assumed it was implemented same order / notification of central govt.anyways thanks for yours suggestions. It would be great if you respected persons advised me wheather to go ahead or not rather giving comments on my intent or else
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