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Why not written our own constitution?

Guest (Querist) 14 October 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Why our past great independence freedom fighters (Constitution Committee)adopted contents of our Indian Costitution from other countries constitutions? At that time did they fail to write our own constitution as per our country's political, culture,social, economic requirements?

Please comment
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 14 October 2009
They wanted to show that they are very intelligent by carbon copying the other countries constitutions. They might have thought that if it is not written how could it be amended?
India is underdeveloped because these politicians.
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 14 October 2009
Mr. Rajeev with due respect pls dont compare the modernn day politician with the freedom fighters of that time.

to my opinion, Comparative study is always helpful and we should be rather thankful to the framers of the Constitution for having done comparative study, atleast they thought that Indians should not be positioned lower than any one else in the Globe.

we have in fact not borrowed the provisions rather have observed the other constitutions and WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA have adopted the best for us.

this Constitution of India is very much self written and with best of the provisions.

As the former President of India Mr. Naraynan used to say...."Constitution has not failed us, rather we have failed the Constitution."

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 14 October 2009
The quarry is a debatable subject wherein it is near to impossible to reach at same conclusion by experts and each one have its own independent thinking/opinion based upon his personal views/ideology. So far myself is concerned, I am of the view that constitution was not been written by all freedom fighters, however, only few of them which generally didn't represent common man of this country, were made part of Constitution Committee whereas Veer Savarkar, Sardar Patel, Dr. Munje and similar like thousand of freedom fighters, who had dreamt to bring this country at the stage wherein this country was Vishaw Guru and Sone ki chidiya, a country based upon moral values but we see that despite of our economic growth, we have lost moral values resulting increase in litigation, erosion in relations, commitment, words, behaviour, character and so on which is effecting all our progress. I dont care whether any one is agree with my views or not. I have independent views on this subject.

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