How to conclude to a settlement/get rid of unwanted bride

Querist :
(Querist) 31 January 2012
This query is : Resolved
My wife is now living in her maternal home and has taken away all her articles like cloths given to her by her parents/by us and jewellery also gifted by her parents and from us.He has filed a complaint at CAW cell and wants unnecessary hiped settlement amount.Otherwise she is threatening to lodge an FIR against me. Please advice what to do. Earlier she was working when she left my home. My parents live with me. Now she is also threatening to demand her maintenance amt.via DV since she is mentioning that she has re-signed from her job due to the summon issued to her workplace sent by first complaint lodged by my parents against her through CAW cell. Although my parents' initial complaint has been closed with no action against her. Our complaint against her was just a normal kind of matter like she doesn't behave properly at home and like she even complained against my parents in our local police station just for the fact that someday some eatables were not there at our house. Then she filled her complaint against us in the CAW cell. Please help at earliest. Since she is counted as a so called 'victim daughter in law' she is making us go through several mentally torturing stages/dates at the CAW cell and shouts us everytime over there and no police in-charge or even high ranking police officials pin point her at her ill-mannered nature. please advice what to do next and how to get rid of her.I don't want to live with her.She has even told herself in the CAW cell that she didn't want to live with me.Also, is there anyway that we could get our jewellery back to us atleast. So, please suggest at earliest.
Thanks and God bless you.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 31 January 2012
if your wife dsoent want to live with you get divorce by mutual consent . draw consent terms .
jwellery given to wife at time of her marriage is her streedhan .
under Dv act she is entitled to maintenance , right to stay in shared household etc . consult a local lawyer
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 31 January 2012
MCD is the best, draft the agreement carefully.
Better take help of an effective lawyer to draft the same.
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 31 January 2012
yes i agreed with both experts advise, better to doubt a good lawyer and act according them
(Expert) 31 January 2012
Ajay and Shonee advised properly , & I agree with them
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 31 January 2012
When she is also not ready to live with you then go for consent divorce. File a consent divorce petition in the court. Civil Courts have got only power to grant a divorce.
DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g
(Expert) 31 January 2012
Your opponent is on offensive so , will accept your terms for MCD is your dream. Instead their terms will be beyond your imagination.
Once initial shock of various actions against you is diminished , you must prepare your defense to exhaust the opponent.
Time is biggest leveler.Memory of witnesses will fade, interest of opponent will also fizzle so it will be sure, simple to come out of your present turmoil. That is what happens in many cases.
If you feel after divorce you can get any other to bat with you, it will be nightmare or you will have to make many many compromises.
You opponent is aware of your dilemma and also can not resettle so terms of MCD will be most demanding.
If you can come in terms with these hard facts staring at you than only there will be light at the end of tunnel.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 31 January 2012
My views have been represented by JSDN so no use to repeat the same thing.