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Supreme court appeal hearing date after high court hearing date

(Querist) 03 November 2014 This query is : Resolved 
I have been directed to pay high litigation expenses by High court before or on next date of hearing to the Respondent complainant in quashing petition filed for quashing of chargesheet in which the state if the first respondent..The fate of criminal case has not been decided against me and Respondent complainant who is only the witness in the case and the High court has awrded the litiagtion expenses without disposing of the main petition and the next date of hearing is 20/11/2014 .I filed the SLP on several grounds against the interim order of the High court and the case was regsitered but was listed on 27/11/ that case the purpose of filing the SLP will be defeated as any how I have to pay the litigation expenses before or on next date of such circumstances what will be the remedy available
whether I could deferred the High court hearing date by stating the matter is listed for hearing? but it may cause double impact if the SLP is dismissed?

or any other remedy which could be helpful..please guide on this issue???
R.K Nanda (Expert) 03 November 2014
get High court hearing date defer as SLP is listed on 27/11/14.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 03 November 2014
You should prey to High Court in this regard.
Raj (Querist) 03 November 2014
Sir, The Ld single Judge OF HIGH COURT has ordered the following
" The counsel of the petitioner is directed to pay Rs xxxx as litigation expenses on or before the next date of hearing. hearing deffered to 20/11/2014"
...and on during the date of hearing if its has been stated that we have move to suprem court against the order whether he doesnot get infuriated or start the contempt action in case if the SLP get dismissed?
since we made the submission that the matter is listed on 27/11/2014 whether this will be sufficent to get the hearing date as he has not received any order from the SCI such as stay or any direction..will it not be harmful for us??
R.K Nanda (Expert) 03 November 2014
no, it will not harm you. give dairy no.of filing of SLP or SLP no. to HC.

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