family decree order
(Querist) 28 April 2009
This query is : Resolved
Our being joint family.Our uncle and my dad live together from thirty years. they dont have any property from there father .everything is being created by both of them. my uncle has made a decree order that everthing created by me only and for sake I have made some property in brother name. and my dad has signed the decreee oder before district court . Now we are living seperatly from my uncle .Now i come to know abount this decree oreder after one year. how can I legally chllane thi order plase guide me.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao
(Expert) 29 April 2009
Mr Ashish you have stated that every thing is created by both of them , no property form their father . By what means they have created the property , by doing Joint business ! or by joint efforts ! Joint Family ! Living in Jointly only - No Joint Business and No Joint Efforts to create the Joint Property by your father and Uncle ! These are the things to be considered
Circumstances- your father Admitted that the properties in his name are created by your Uncle and he is name sake ! the reasons be mentioned for consideration .
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 29 April 2009
No chance to u because ur father has admitted that the properties are of ur uncle's.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao
(Expert) 30 April 2009
i do agree with Sri Prabhaker !
Yes the Dcree can be challneged if there is any fraud( or other fators ) in admittign the claim of Your Unlce in the suit . The relecvant facts to be cosnidered to take this stand / plea
(Expert) 27 May 2009
Take a chance. Best wishes from all of us.