General sections
Querist :
(Querist) 03 February 2011
This query is : Open
I would like to know which sections under dowry act,DV act, etc. a woman and her parents and sister can put against her husband.
1) Both lived together for one month only seperately after marriage.
2) Both lived together in wife's residence with her parents and sister for next one month after marriage.
3) Wife recorded secrectly every conversation of husband when they were together.
4) When wife was not comming to stay with husband after 2 months of marriage, husband spoke harsh words on phone(threatening in terms of wife's side). That too was recorded.
5) The seperation is more than 9 months after marriage.
6) The wife was diagnosed pregnent after 2 months of marriage. The wife or her parents have not informed uptill now, what was the result of the delivery.
7) There is no conversation between husband and wife for more than 9 months.