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If Plaintiff remains absent

(Querist) 23 July 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sir
last time I posted a query was taken skeptically as I mentioned that my lawyer is double crossing me.
I read this column and I have high Regards for the penalists but Sir all lawyers are not honest like your selves.
My lawyer also became lawyer of one of the main plaintiffs and scared me that I have committed breach of injuction. Due to space constraint not possible to give full facts otherwise no intention of hiding facts.
For last five hearings web site states " Next date and "A" against plaintiffs evidence.whereas lawyer mentions that he has to.reply on my behalf ( defendant) which is not true. Hiring another lawyer to costly as i have nothing at stake
What could "A" stand for and if Plaintiffs are absenting, how many hearings can court grant?
Sorry to be verbose

Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 24 July 2016
1. In the absence of the much-need trust in your lawyer, you may yourself file a very simple application stating "Plantiff is absent for more than three consecutive dates. Matter may be dismissed for default".

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
cherukuri prasad (Expert) 24 July 2016
Three but courts are generally liberal
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 24 July 2016
@ Trivedi,
You did not state whether you are defendant or one of the plaintiff?
What was your last query, continue same thread.
Did you attend proceedings of the court?
P. Venu (Expert) 24 July 2016
Yes, continue in the same thread.
MahendraKumar.H.Trivedi (Querist) 24 July 2016
Thanks Sir
Shri Vashistha Sir i am a defendant.
Plaintiffs is a firm of two partners.
My lawyer became advocate of main plaintiff without my knowledge and he. Shot me a letter that there was stay on suit plot for which I was never informed. My lawyer tormented me for more than six months. Smelling foul play I did not yield.
It is about honouring registered sale agreement done by my POA and my POA did not honor the agreement and also persuaded me to not to do.
Plaintiffs have confirmed in the suit that they have not paid the cost and they have the possession. Whereas they had illegally handed over the possession to third party.
My POA was also named defendant and died and I transferred the title in the name of possessors 6 years back before case came on board as Plaintiff did not approach me after death of my POA who was also neighbour of Plaintiff. I am away from the place. Breach injuction by my lawyer is a hoax and he also sent me fabricated contempt application by Plaintiff. Now plaintiffs are remaining absent.
Thanks and regards.
Your small tip becomes great help and consolation. continue doing good work. Regards
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 24 July 2016
When you have not much on stake, your lawyer is not co-operating / not satisfied with your lawyer / not in a position to engage another lawyer, make it point to attend hearing personally to keep your interest (whatever on stake) intact.
MahendraKumar.H.Trivedi (Querist) 24 July 2016
Respected All penalists
My sincere thanks to you all.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 24 July 2016
Your thanks tom experts is appreciated.

Initiate one thread and Always continue in the original thread.

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