Inherited Property
(Querist) 09 August 2008
This query is : Resolved
My mother-in-law has an inherited property(a house worthy of Rs.60 lakhs at Chennai).My father-in law and mother-in-law are more than 70 years old and they are alive.They are living in this house along with their youngest son(married).My in-laws have 3 sons and 3 daughters and all of them are married.I request for the reply for the following queries:
1)Do the daughters have equal right of share of this house-property in case it is sold?
2)Can my mother-in-law write a will allotting more share of amount for her sons and less amount of share for her daughters?
3)Can I now compel my mother-in-law to sell the house and demand her share of money?
(Expert) 09 August 2008
1) yes
2) no
3) no as you have no right in that property.
(Querist) 10 August 2008
Dear Shri Srinivas,
Can my wife now compel her mother to sell the house and demand her share of money?
(Expert) 10 August 2008
as it is inherited property of your mother-in-law, the daughters have equal right over the property and one can't compell your mother-in-law for sale of property
(Expert) 11 August 2008
Under the tamilnadu
act section 29A of the hindu succession act 1956 your wife is eligible to ask her share.