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IO fails to arrest the accused

(Querist) 25 September 2019 This query is : Resolved 
I was travelling with my 2 elder sisters and a nephew of mine in an uber taxi where suddenly out car was stopped by two unknown rowdy motorcyclists and they had beaten up the driver and physically assaulted me and my sisters...the next day i lodged a complaint with the local ps...the IO started a case by drawing up the FIR...the incident took place on 7th of April 2019...the FIR was drawn up on 25th of April 2019..the IO got the 164crpc done on the 25th of may 2019...after the 164 was done the IO used to call me several times over phone and also to the police station and telling me that he will arrest the accused and that the next step was TI parade..
Till today no arrest has been made...and very recently one of the accused motorcyclists is being spotted near my home and surrounding locality frequently...i try to inform the IO but suddenly he is not answering my call and if he does he states he is busy and he will get back to me...lastly i was threatened some days ago by that one of the motorcyclists that if i do not withdraw the case then me and my sisters will have to face dire consequences...they also openly declared that the IO wont arrest them as they have purchased the IO with they political power...
Kindly help
Thank you
Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 26 September 2019
Complain to the Superintendent of police about the harassment by the rowdy elements and report that the IO is hands in glove with the accused to force you to withdraw the complaint.
P. Venu (Expert) 26 September 2019
Yes, you can bring matters to the notice of the higher authorities. So also, the Police Complaints Authority (if functioning in your State) as well the High Court could be alerted.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 27 September 2019
I concur with the advise and obligation of experts.
However, it would be better to consult a local prudent lawyer for appreciation of facts, guidance and proceedings.
Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 03 October 2019
1. IF the Police does not take action, THEN you can file private criminal case u/s 156(3) Cr.P.C., in the local Magistrates court, seeking directions to the Police to investigate and file charge sheet. This will work, irrespective of the Political connections or money power of the accused persons.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

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