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Is divorce necessary for void marriageq

Guest (Querist) 14 November 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Got married in 2012 but wife never stayed and after 3 year married again and subsequently divorce took place from first wife after one year of 2nd marriage.(from first wife) facts were reveled to second wife about first marriage.I want to ask.

Is second marriage is valid now?
Is divorce is applicable to second marriage if in case required.
As the second marriage was void ab initio, what is her legal right.

SAINATH DEVALLA (Expert) 14 November 2015
So U didn't take divorce for the first marriage and married again and divorce took place.When the divorce has been granted for the second marriage how do U term the marriage as void now?

U can be prosecuted for suppression of material facts,in case she reveals Ur earlier marriage.
alexander (Expert) 14 November 2015

Add adiultery/rape to the above.

No divorce is possible within an year or on the dot after 365 days.

Need to have a look, at the issues raised at the divorce proceeding and the Court Judgement, to get some insight of your case.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 14 November 2015
The second marriage is void though you have taken divorce on suppression of facts.
You can be prosecuted by your 2nd wife for bigamy. SO forget her rights.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 14 November 2015
Adequately advised by the experts in the given facts. For further advise full case file has to be shown and facts need to be discussed with your lawyer.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 14 November 2015
Fully agreed with experts.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 15 November 2015
1. Experts should have "not" replied the query of a member with account deleted.
2. However,whether the person is a Hindu? If so, second marriage is void and illegal, be prepared for bigamy, rape and/or adultary. But it is not so in case of Muslim and he may enjoy.
3. Q No 2 is replied in Q 1.
4. Yes.
SAINATH DEVALLA (Expert) 15 November 2015
Today only that gentleman has deleted his account
K.S.Srinivas (Expert) 15 November 2015
Agreed with Sri Devajyoti Barman.

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