Legal Aid From: State Legal Service Authority .
(Querist) 20 March 2009
This query is : Resolved
I am a woman from state of
Andhra Prsdesh.Knew Nothing about Legal
system functioning. And not in a position
to spend Heavey Amout. And want to have a
settlement at a faster Pace and also, know
the strength in my case.
Keeping in View of all above
facts/Situations, can i approach 'State
Legal Authority' and through, 'S L A' to
Lokadalat? If yes,I request the Forum
members to Suggest the procedure and
Address & Contact numbers in Andhra
pradesh State.
Thanking you all in advance...
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 20 March 2009
first u have to file a suit, then after appearing by the other side and if both the parties want to go for compromised then case will be referred to lok adalat, their members will settle the case. If u want any free help u can approach the legal authority to file a case, legal authority wiii paid the amount another method is first u will have to file miscelleneous case.
(Expert) 20 March 2009
I agree with Mr. Rajeev. You can approach the legal services authority which is functioning in every district court and you can approach them.
(Expert) 20 March 2009
State legal services authority has its offices in almost all districts.
You have not disclosed your district in your querry, hence unable to provide the address & contact number of your related district.
For required information, you may visit the site of State legal Services Authority, Andhra Pradesh ---
(Querist) 21 March 2009
Dear Sirs,
I Thank you all.
(Expert) 21 March 2009
While I agree with above views, I would like to further add here that even before filing suit, you may settle case in the prelitigation lok adalats with the help of the Legal Services Authority, units of which are functioning at every District and Taluka courts.
(Expert) 23 March 2009
i do agree with my learned friends.
ritu bhadana
(Expert) 02 April 2009
mr. rajeev is absolutely right
Hiralal Das
(Expert) 05 April 2009
I do agree with my learned friends.