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Maintainability of a document on White Paper.

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 19 December 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Whether a document executed on a white paper is maintainbale, in case of challenge before the courts. Or it can be impounded.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 19 December 2009
What is the document on White paper !
Waht is the nature of document
What are the contents of Document
Whether it creates , Transfers , relinquishes any righ in the Immovebale proerty or an agreemtn for sale or an Mortgage or a gift or a Partition /release / Relinquishment-?
it depends on the nautre & Contnets of the document on White paper !

If it is to be stamped , the stamp duty and penalties to be paid by imppounding the document !
S.KARUNAMOORTHY (Expert) 19 December 2009
those documents which compulsorily need to be registered and stampedif not registered or not propertly stamped can be impounded by the govt authority when it produced for as an evidence.
Arvind Singh Chauhan (Expert) 19 December 2009
Agree with above opinions.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 19 December 2009
What's the nature of the document.
u/s 17 of the indian registration actdefines about the documents which are compulsorily regd., and which are not compulsory to registar.
Hand loan chit can be written on the white paper, but after filing a suit you will have to pay the penalty on it.
will can be written on the white paper. If it is regd., or unregd., it can be challenged.
In case of immoveable property of wroth of more than Rs.100 is compulsorily registrable document. Further I agree with Y.V.V.Rao Sir,
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 19 December 2009
Maintainbality of a document will depends upon its nature.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 21 December 2009
Respected experts,
It is only an Agreement of Sale written on White Paper, since at that time there was no Non Judicial Stamp Paper was available.
So that agreement was drafted on white paper, 3 years back. plz.clarify
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 22 December 2009
In each state the Sale Agreements are required to be stamped as per respective state Stamp Act Articles

The agreement is on white paper! -

It is required to be impounded before the Collector under the Stamp Act and peanlities to be paid !

It can also be impounded by the Court in Suit Proceedings !

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