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(Querist) 29 September 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Whether maintenance amount fixed u/s 24, DVA, 125 or any other maintenance is payable concertedly or any one is allowed even after decision of all in favor of girl.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 29 September 2009
Any one is allowed. If the girl is awarded the maintenance in 125, she can claim that only. order to pay maintenance under DV Act is illegal. While cross examining the petitioner this question is necessary to ask.
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Expert) 29 September 2009
Any one is allowed.
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 29 September 2009
Any one is allowed.
Sukhija (Expert) 29 September 2009
though any one shd b allowed only but under DV Act, u/s 125 CrPC also there r cases where the petitioner gets maintenance by order of the court since they r two different acts under which order is passed.
Kamal Grover (Querist) 30 September 2009
sukhija ji. May u Plz enlighten us about the same through citation.

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