Man Days
Reetu Dwivedi
(Querist) 28 July 2010
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sirs,
What is meaning of No of man days worked and No. of Days worked in Contract Labour Annual Return Form.
Apprisiate your help.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 28 July 2010
man days means 8 hours work and no. of days work means how much days worked as per man days work. means it is total days worked as per sclee of 8 hours per day.
Sri Vijayan.A
(Expert) 24 October 2010
If one man work for a day, it is one man day.
If two men work for a day, it is two man days ( Two men, it is two man days)
if one man work for two days, it is also two man days.
It is the product of no.of men worked and the no.of days.
It is used in work stuy and time study.