marriage registeration
(Querist) 06 July 2009
This query is : Resolved
a person usually gets his marriage registered (is mandatory in law too), but when the married couple gets a divorce, is there any provision as getting the divorce registered? does a person require to cancel his marraige registeration certificate? if yes, under which law and procedure for the same please.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao
(Expert) 06 July 2009
By Court Decree the marriage is dissolved and divorce granted , the Certified Copy of the Decree and the inforamtion regardign the Dissolution of the marriage through letter / memo / application can be filed before the Registrar of Marriages for an endorsemnt of dissolution of marriage on the Marriage Record entry , as in the cases of other decrees for cancellation of Regd Deeds under Civil Court Decree .
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 06 July 2009
I agree with Y.V.V.Rao. court decree is the final. Except court no body has got power to divorce even God also. Marriages are made in heaven but divorce is only in the court.
Harinarayan R. Tripathi
(Expert) 07 July 2009
Dear Aparnaben,
I do agree with the other aforesaid experts, in addition to that for nullifying the merriage entry we can register the Court Order or any other Deed/(s) if duly executed for validation of the Divorcce.