Murder long time back
Seikh Mohammed Iqbal
(Querist) 24 August 2013
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
IN 1992 there was family dispute for minor thing and with my family and cousin family and the situation came to attack each other. During that time one of cousin brother hit my father head from back by iron rod strongly and atfight with my father head and that time i was only one year old. So, all from the village commetee and others all nigebours comity decided that my cousin family to pay 1.5 lak rupees for panelty to avoid any futher leagal case as whatever happend is happend and it will not return back now they will pay the panelty to survive the family as i have two eleder sister that time they are 3 yrs and 5 years. My mother is not say anything to any one and accepted it for our carrier. Now i want to give the punishment to that guy legally who murdered my father as he is rounding my area. Is there any possibilty to open that case as this is now 21 years also it was sattlement by taking money. Now want to return him the money by i need the legal jugment to make my mother happy. This is happend in West bengal state.
Thank you very much for your advice sir.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 24 August 2013
Now you cannot because everything is over. You wont get any evidence.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 24 August 2013
It would be difficult to gather enough evidences to get accused punished.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 26 August 2013
Legally speaking, you can try for that the possibility is remote. You can otherwise take your revenge.