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My advocate has not given me case No. till Now?

(Querist) 21 April 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Hi I am from Chennai, My case to vacant the tenant was filed before 4 years by my father and he did not follow up regularly. Not even the case number...When I asked my adovacte he does not give the case no. nor the xerox copy of the case. my father has paid his fees regularly. one day advocate case said we have won the case and he has not even given the xerox copy of that, and when ever I try to attend the case in the court he says he is in some other work and could not attend the court on that day....currently, the case is in ROC he says it will take a min. of 3 -4 years to get completed. I have paid Rs.18,000 till date as fees..Am I being cheated?.Will ROA take 3-4 years to Complete??. How to get my case no. from my lawyer?.
Vinjamuri Venkata Rao (Expert) 21 April 2009
viry nice to understand your difficulty.
It is the duty of the Advocate to inform his client about stage of the case filed by him. in your case he is acting otherwise.
Please address a letter to your advocate in Regd. post with Ack due, informing about your dificulty and payment of Fee paid so far and request him to know the stage of the case, you also request him to case no. and other particulers and including the copies of pleadings in the case immediately, as he is not responding in person.
if he failed to send information with in 10days you may complaiend aginest him in Bar Association or Bar Council of Tamil nadu.
ok if you are need any help pl contact me
VVRAo, Advocate
Shyam Ji Srivastava (Expert) 21 April 2009
Dear Mr. Rajendran,

Agreed with the views of my learned friend Mr. VVRao Advocate
You immediately sent a Notice not letter intimating hm to provide immediate details of your case and also send copy to the State Bar Counciland all India Bar Council New Delhi.

you will get immediate response.

secondly you may get services of another advocate who willsearch your case and if pending or decided you ma get case no as well as judgment if any.

with best wishes.

Shyam Ji Srivastava
M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Expert) 21 April 2009
I agree with the views of my friends.
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 21 April 2009
Rightly answered by Our Learned friends
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 21 April 2009
I agree with learned friends and furhter add that another local advocate may verify the facts of the case and after confrimation -the party may appraoch the Bar Ass. / SBC

B.B.R.Goud. (Expert) 21 April 2009

It is the duty and obligation of every Advocate to inform client about stages of the case filed by him.

in your case he is acting otherwise.

you need to post a letter to your advocate in Regd. post with Ack due, informing about your dificulty and payment of Fee paid so far and request him to know the stage of the case, you need to request him of case No. and other particulars and including the copies of pleadings immediately, as he is not responding in person.
if he failed to send information with in 15 days you need to lodge complaint against him in Bar Association or Bar Council of Tamil nadu or bar Council of India, by which the disciplinary action will be taken.

Rajendran (Querist) 21 April 2009
Thanks for each and every advocate responded to my query. I am much obliged with your replies.. I shall send a letter to my advocate with ack. attached and wait. thank you again for your prompt replies.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 21 April 2009
When ur advocate is not giving u the case No. then u go to the court and go; thru., the case register then u will get ur No. then u contact ur advocate to take back the case given to him if u have no faith on him. Even after ur request to retire from the case then u issue a notice to ur lawyer.
I agree with the views of my Ld. friends.
Rajendran (Querist) 24 April 2009
sir, How to find my case from the case register my advocate told that my case R.C.O.P has completed & we won ready for eviction, but my tenant has filed another petition and she has asked time....i cant understand this...When I am ready for the case, how does my tenant can file & ask time to argue?. Kindly please help me & let me know how to find my case no. from the case registar?. when I saw the case registar there are list of case no's & there posted dates without any landlord & tenant's name.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 25 April 2009
Dear Rajendran

You are suggested to take help of any other local advocate, in this matter

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