Name initial
(Querist) 24 February 2017
This query is : Resolved
my son's name in aadhar card & birth certificate is mentioned as pranay balaji and in xth & XII class as B.Pranay. will this be considered as name mismatch.kindly advise
Madhava Rao Gorrepati
(Expert) 25 February 2017
Yes. it is a name mismatch. to avoid future complications go according to the school certificates.
(Querist) 27 February 2017
Dear Sir
Thank you very much for your reply .Kindly advise what document can be submitted to have the aadhar card corrected . Request if you can advise seeking support of any lawyer in chennai
Madhava Rao Gorrepati
(Expert) 27 February 2017
YOur school certificates are enough. Go to any Aadhar registration centre. Aadhar related sites would guide you.
(Querist) 28 February 2017
Thank you sir