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Need to amend year of birth in indian passport

(Querist) 03 November 2009 This query is : Resolved 
One of my friend facing problem between birth certificate and passport i.e Recently he has noticed the actual date of birth as 23.11.1982(as per birth certificate) however his educational certificates and other all documents as 23.11.1983 so based on educational certificate he obtained passport with the DOB as 23.11.1983.So please advice me what is the procedure to amend DOB in passport and also advice me whether court order require to obtain regarding this?
A V Vishal (Expert) 03 November 2009
1.Go to the State Government Press in the Capital City of your state.
2.Ask them for the form for change of Date of Birth and obtain it.
3.Fill up the form and submit it (preferably then and there).
4.Pay the requisite Fees in cash.
5.The Press would publish the details of the change of your Date of Birth and post you two copies of the Government Gazette or ask you to collect the same. The press would also let you know when they would publish the same.

6.Thereafter wherever you wish to submit your change of Date of Birth, you can submit true copies of the relevant pages of the Gazette.

STEP 2: Change Date of Birth in Passport
While applying for an Indian passport the applicant should submit his date of birth proof such as birth certificate. On basis of the documents provided the passport is issued; so there will not be any question of change of date of birth in passport. But while issuing a passport the passport authority may make an error in date of birth on passport. It is the applicant responsibility to check that the details that are printed on the passport are correct as soon as the passport is issued.

It is very rare that the information is printed wrong by the passport issuing authority, but if it happens the applicant can contact the passport officer and request for the change in date of birth.

It is also possible that the applicant may find that the date of birth provided by him/her is wrong after the passport is issued.

If the error was from passport authority, then a new passport is issued with correct date of birth with out any fee. If the error was from applicant then they charge a fee of Rs. 500 for issuing a new passport with corrected date of birth.

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 03 November 2009
U can follow the advise given by Vishal.
Another one thing is you hv to get it declare your date of birth from the competent civil court.
Before filing this suit you have to issue notice to The Govt., of ( name of the state) represented by Deputy Commissioner of Dist.,and to Deputy Director of Public insturctions u/s 80 of CPC. The notice should be in the form of plaint.
U have to take the contention that "recently I came to know that from my date of birth certificate that my date of birth is so & so"
Court decree is binding on all.
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 03 November 2009
agree with the above opinions
Adv. Biju Gopal (Expert) 03 November 2009
I agree with Vishal
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 03 November 2009
Nothing to add in the detailed opinion of Vishal.

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