only son law
madhan raj
(Querist) 05 November 2009
This query is : Resolved
1 )My great grand father died in 1950. my grand father died in 1992 he was only son of My great grand father. My father was born in 1943 and he died in 2003 he was only son of My grand father. my father have three sister all married before 1970. I have one younger brother and my mother.
my grand father died in 1992 I came know 2005 act does not apply. Because he died prior to 2005 act.
2) my father being born prior to 1956 act he was only son of my grand father and my grand father was only son of My great grand father. I came to know that there is only son law by which my father get half of my grand father share another half divided among all his heirs. I want only son law citation which can help me.
Please help me.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 05 November 2009
Mr. Madhan! You have raised this quarry second time within a period of 3 days. This quarry wa duly and hotly replied by various experts. If you are not satisfied with their replies then move to some other forum because in this forum experts are same and their replies are also not going to change. No son law term is heard in law.