Please guide and help !!
Rahul Sharma
(Querist) 27 May 2012
This query is : Resolved
Dear All,
Please help, I got a written reply from respondent on my RCR petition, stating that she don't want to come back because of humiliation at matrimonial home, she has put lot of wrong and baseless allegation on me that I in the sense of alcohol have extorted money from her and her father of a sum of rs 10,000 in the pretext to allow her to enter matrimonial house..Also I use my pet dog to make her scare if she will not bring money for me from her parents ....bla bla..And lots of many other baseless allegations to dismiss my sec9 petition on the ground that I extort money from her. It was somewhat clear from her that she is trying to show the amt they have spent in marriage and money which I have extorted as per them. The court has ordered for amicable settlement and next date is in August.
My entire question is:-
Does that mean my sec9 petition is dismissed or it’s still running?
What does amicable settlement means and how does this works
What could be the probable next step from her side and what should be our -Any precaution or tips to take this case more strongly.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 27 May 2012
ORderd for amicable settlement does not mean that petition is dismissed.
It is process of compromise.
If there is no settlement then next stage will be for the evidence.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 27 May 2012
court wants to give opportunity to parties to resolve their differnces .
contact your iwfe and make efforts . if wife does not agree then suit proceeds
Rahul Sharma
(Querist) 27 May 2012
Does that means we have to contact her or will have to go via court mediation center to resolve things.
I am afraid of calling them because earlier they were literally ignoring our requests and call and pretext of saying that "will let u know in some day" this have been their pet dialogue. That"s the reason I filled sec9.
So how to move ahead now?
ajay sethi
(Expert) 27 May 2012
contact her . send her emails . since it is court order you have to show that you have made efforts
please dont your queries under caption anonymous .
as experts we dont reply to anonymous queries . you can post your queries under any name .
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 27 May 2012
No more to add.
Rahul Sharma
(Querist) 27 May 2012
Thanks Mr. Ajay, I take you feedback and put my name in my profile.
Just last question, what happen in evidence stage.
Rahul Sharma
Nadeem Qureshi
(Expert) 27 May 2012
Dear rahul
Nothing left to add by experts specially Mr. Ajay Sethi gives you best advise
Rahul Sharma
(Querist) 27 May 2012
Dear Nadeem and R K Nanda,
I agree that Mr. Ajay Sethi has only explained the scenario more clearly, but if there is not limit in putting question or concerns, can I ask;
What happen in evidence stage?
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 29 May 2012
During evidence stage, you would put all those documents/ witnesses which support your story alongwith your own version under oath.
The other party's lawyer would cross-examine you and your witnesses on that.
Shonee Kapoor
Rahul Sharma
(Querist) 12 June 2012
Can some one Please guide me in knowing the procedure of court Mediation or Amicable settlement as per court order in my case.
Please help me in knowing what generally happen over their
What questions does they ask generally and for how long and on what gap these session happen.
Looking at my case brief on previous threads, Can someone foresee what could be the outcome.