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Power of Attorney

(Querist) 28 May 2009 This query is : Resolved 
I am a sole owner of a flat, I want to give a power of attorney to my father, what transactions he can make through that, can he sell the flat, can I revoke my power of attorney later. In event I die can my legal hires claim the share in the property.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 28 May 2009
Yes you can give GPA in favour of your father with Rs;- 1000/- NJS only in Ap
If you authorise him he can sell the same.
You can revoke the GPA at later stage
The Last point , if the Flat is not sold by GPA - your legla hirers will be entitled as successors to your property
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 28 May 2009
In karnataka on Rs.100/- stamp paper GPA can be exeucted. GPA can be exeucuted for single work or to do all work i mean to sell the property only gpa can be exeucted it is called as for single work. General means to do all works like banking transactions, to exeucute any documents related the properties and other necessary works.
You can revoke the GPA at any time.
Once property is sold by ur father then your legal heirs cannot claim, if it is ur self earned property..
M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Expert) 28 May 2009
I agree with views.
SANJAY DIXIT (Expert) 28 May 2009
1) "can he sell the flat" - YES
2) "can I revoke my power of attorney later" - YES
3) "In event I die can my legal hires claim the share in the property" - YES if the property was not sold till then.
I endorse the views of all my ld. friends.
B.B.R.Goud. (Expert) 01 June 2009
mr Ganesh,
You are the sole owner of a flat.
when you want to give a power of attorney to your father, whatever transactions he has to do through that, you can restrict his authority by putting conditions, that is known as Special Power of Attorney.
you can revoke power of attorney later, at any time.
In the event of your death, your legal hires can claim the share in the property, if it is mentionedand conditioned in that power of attorney.

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