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Power of Attorney

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 04 April 2010 This query is : Resolved 
I am an NRI. I have given POA to my father to deal with the property in India. POA is duly signed/attested by Embassy in the foreign country where I work and reside.

Should POA be signed/attested by notary in India or signature from POA holder (my father) is enough?

Ashok Yadav (Expert) 05 April 2010
If the POA is for Sale of property then it should be necessarliy regd at concern sub registrar office in India, or if it is only to manage the property then it may be enough to sign by POA holder, if it has come through embassy.
Suryanarayana Tangirala (Expert) 05 April 2010
It needs to be Validated at Sub registrars office
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 05 April 2010
POA is only to lease the property.

Can tenant later claim that POA was not valid because not validated/attested/signed by notary or any such authority.

Actually, stamp from embassy should be enough proof of the ligality / validity of POA. Isn't it?
PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 06 April 2010
A notarized POA would be enough. There is no need of Registration under Indian Registration Act. Please see Sec. 32 and 33 of Registration Act
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 07 April 2010
O. Mahalakshmi (Expert) 08 April 2010
ok you got the answer from Mr. Palnitkar
Adv.Shine Thomas (Expert) 09 April 2010
Mr.palnitkar is correctly answered.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 09 April 2010
I put this query in "resolved" state but it has been put in "open" state again.

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