Public interest litigation
Sanjeevappa. L
(Querist) 13 February 2011
This query is : Resolved
One X had filed a public interest suit in respect of a property and the suit has been decreed in the trail court. Thereafter defendant had preferred a regular appeal. During the pendency of the said appeal the X had died. No other person are in the appeal to continue. What will be the result.can the appeal continues without any respondent. Or Does the legal heirs of the X has to be brought on record. Or who are the next persons to be brought on record to continue the Appeal. Please advise me. Warm regards. Thanks in advance.
Amit Minocha
(Expert) 13 February 2011
what is meant by "public interest suit in respect of a property" ?
Sanjeevappa. L
(Querist) 15 February 2011
one x filed a suit seeking declaration that the suit property is the property belongs to the gram panchayath and the compromise entered between the defendant and the gram panchayath in a previous suit is illegal and the suit came to be decreed and the defendant had filed an appeal questioning the trail court judgment. During pendency of the above appeal the respondent/plaintiff died. Now who wiill represents the respondent. Whate is the next step?
Ramakrishna Ponnekanti
(Expert) 16 February 2011
Legal heirs or representatives of X have to be brought on record by the appellant/defendant. If not brought by deft./applt. judgment will become final as court will record appeal as abated If not brought by deft/applt.