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Recognition of Distance Education degree

(Querist) 17 January 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Hi Experts,
I am pursuing my MBA through distance education from Sikkim manipal university -DE .I got admitted to the course in March 2015 and I am in second semester now.
Unfortunately, Now there are many issues going on with the recognition of the university for providing distance education and the university has stopped new admissions.
The high court and supreme court judgment on UGC vs SMUDE is available in below link

Can you please explain in simple terms whether my degree will be valid , UGC recognized ?

Is it worth to continue next 2 semesters in Smude or to drop this and go for any other university ?


Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 18 January 2016
Write to UGC for actual position.
krishna mohan (Expert) 18 January 2016
You can approach your University also about the recognition for the course by UGC or AICTEC.
kumar (Querist) 18 January 2016

Thank you for your reply!

I have already sent an email to the university on this regard.
Can you please clarify on the following lines from the judgement?
The jugement states the following three categories of students are 'protected'.

# Those who had started and completed their distance education programme anytime prior to the academic session 2011-12
# Students who began their distance education programme prior to the academic session 2011-12 but completed the course afterwards
# Students who were admitted to the distance education programmes from February 22, 2013, to June 26, 2015.

Can you help me understand what 'protected' in this statement mean.does it mean that the degree is UGC approved ?
K.S.Srinivas (Expert) 28 January 2016
Approach the UGC and AICTEC. And also consult a lawyer along with High court/Supreme Court judgement.

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