(Querist) 16 April 2008
This query is : Resolved
Hi, I am working in a automobile dealership. As we have to deduct pf from employee's salary i.e.12% but they dont want to be the member of Pf. So how can I fix their salary so as less as we have to deduct from their salary.As per the minimum wage act what ammount I have to fix as a basic of their salary so that Employee deduction will decrese & also employer's liability will decrease.Please let me know what is the present minimum wage slape for skilled, unskilled and semi skilled employee in Gujarat state.Please reply me soon. ........................HANIF
(Querist) 16 April 2008
Hi, What differences are there between wages & salary? Also please let me know the difference in detail between ppf,gpf,epf? ...........Hanif
Manish Singh
(Expert) 19 April 2008
Make their basic wages+ DA more than 6,500/- er month. Then it is not mandatori on them to be covered under the scheme.
(Querist) 21 April 2008
Dear Manish Sir, your reply will help me for the employee whose gross salary is more than 8000 but what about them whose salary is below 6500/-month. how I have to fix their salary.
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