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Regarding Poor Service,Tikona Broadband

(Querist) 25 December 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Hi sir ,
Myself mahir bin farooque.from chennai.
I have taken new connection from tikona broadband and paid 2800.
After that im not getting internet as stable. I called them but no response. I tried to adjust their antenna and got internet for some hours. And again gone. I called many times and no response from them.Today is the 7th day and the things are same.Even i loss an online exam because of this.Now i took another isp connection and its working fine.
May i know the possibility of compensation..?
Advocate M.Bhadra (Expert) 25 December 2015
It is not advisable to file a consumer case for a minimum amount of Rs.2800/-,rather you can send a legal notice to the said TIKONA to refund your money.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 26 December 2015
Change the service provider. Lodge claim with the consumer forum.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 December 2015
Take screenshots of the problem and send by email to nearest BM in nearest local office and Customer Care in writing under proper acknowledgment by at least email, and demand to supply the complaint number and reply in writing.

Obtain copy of the Engineer's report, with signature if someone visits.

Record all problems on Engineer's page also and then send scanned copy under proper acknowledgment.

Build record.

Why did you pay advance of Rs.28oo/?

There are many operators that do not charge such heavy amount!

There are many threads on M/s Tikona at LCI alone that you can search on Search option Right Hand Side of both Experts and Forum Sections.

Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 27 December 2015
You are not the only sufferer, entire customers (including myself) are sailing in the same boat.
Almost all the service providers are maintaining same standard.
You will have to scratch your head/mind much more than you have paid if you want to proceed legally against Tikona.
Do you expect refund of Rs. 2,800/- paid by you?
Forget and change the service provider.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 27 December 2015
Build irrefutable record as suggested.

Write to Company under proper acknowledgment.

Demand compensation and compensation policy of the company.

Approach DCDRF.
K.S.Srinivas (Expert) 30 December 2015
I go with the experts.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 03 January 2016
First try to talk the company, if nothing works out then issue a legal notice demanding refund as well as compensation for the mental agony and after that plan for further legal actions.

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