Querist :
(Querist) 28 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
my flat is a rented flat.rent receipt is in the name of grandfather landlord refuses to transfer i am afraid he may not aaccept me as tenant after my mother
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed
(Expert) 28 October 2009
Query is not clear, where is your grand father, and what about your mother.
Sachin Bhatia
(Expert) 28 October 2009
Query is not clear
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 28 October 2009
If your grandfather was tenant then you no need to get it transferred in your name. You are in chain of your grandfather then your mother and now you. Because you are tenant since last three generations so no need to specifically get changes in rent receipts. Even if rent receipts are not issued in your name, there shall be no legl effect over your status and the landlord cannot evict you on this ground.
Sushil Kumar Bhatia
(Expert) 28 October 2009
dear. The tenancy rights are inheritable in nature if tenant died leaving behind his legal heirs who became joint tenants there is no effect if landlord is issuing rent receipt in name of dead person on the other hand if the landlord wants to evict tenant he will made all heirs as party in the suit as no suit can be filed against dead person.
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