Section of cpc relating to file appeal from order in review petition by hon'ble high court bombay
Sadanand B. Panchal
(Querist) 08 March 2014
This query is : Resolved
Respected Experts,
I require the format of Appeal from Order against decision passed in Review Petition before Hon'ble High Court or at least Section of CPC relating to file Appeal from order in Review Petition by Hon'ble High Court Bombay. Kindly inform me.
Sadanand Panchal
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 08 March 2014
Your very question is quite confusing.
Section 104 and order 43 rule 1 of CPC deals with appealable.
order ORDER XLI deals Appeals from Original Decrees.
and section 114 read with order 47 rule deals review.
It is not clear what do you need ?
And for formats ,please excuse us!
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 09 March 2014
Consult your lawyer.
formats not provided in this section.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 09 March 2014
Engage a local lawyer, no format is provided
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 09 March 2014
In your case, in my opinion, an application under Order XLVII Rule 5 may be an appropriate action. The form of application can be found in the same order under rule 3.