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Share in a HUF

(Querist) 15 April 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Members of the Forum!
My Brothers are Denying me the Share in the Family( All the properties are self earned by my Brothers over along period of time, I too participated at some time of my life as Explained below ). As i was working in Govt. service, My name was not included in our business firm, But we were living together in the same premises and carrying out the business. after some Time /years, I too have joined in the Business( After i Resigned from the Govt. job,but my name was not included in the FIRM). After lapse of some time, My brothers Divided the property, among themselves denying the share to me.

What should i do?

With regards...
ESTHERPRIYA (Expert) 15 April 2009
You can claim a share in the divided property only if the property belongs to joint family. But in your case the property is a firm property which is earned by your brothers. You have a weak case any how if you can prove that you have a strong claim, evidences and can prove your case in the property concerned, then you can have a good claim over your share.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 15 April 2009

Your Efforts in the Business have to proved !

Your Investments /skils/ efforts /should be proved in the Business of Joint Family !

You sould assert that the Businesses are Joint Businesses though in the name of some of family members and you have invested / made eforts / and/ invloved in the Business of Joint family

with regard !
M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Expert) 15 April 2009
I agree with the views of my friends.
G. ARAVINTHAN (Expert) 16 April 2009
If you have proof that you have taken part in any of the business, then you can claim for some share in the HUF. Otherwise yours is a weak case.
samudra (Querist) 16 April 2009
Dear Friends,

I thank each one of you for your kind Advice.

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