Society registered in up under societies reg act 1860
Vispy Ichhaporia
(Querist) 23 August 2021
This query is : Resolved
I am a member of a minority community. A society has been formed by fellow community members which is registered under Societies Act 1860 in Uttar Pradesh. The said Society's office bearers have indulged into some wrongdoings. When I questioned them they claim since I am not a member of the said society I have no right to question them or object to their wrongdoings. Hence, they are not answerable to me.
I have two queries:
1) One of the main objective of the Society is look after the betterment of the members of the minority community to which it belongs and for which it was formed. So am I not a beneficiary of the said Society irrespective of me being its member or not?
2) If the answer to the above query is yes I am a beneficiary and question the office bearers of the Society then is there a judgement passed by a High Court or Supreme Court to this effect?
Please help.
Thank you
(Expert) 23 August 2021
If you are not a general member of the society or you are not joined in the society, how can you ask them as you have no right. If you are a member and the receipt of membership fee and latest subscription (yearly/monthly) then you can complain to the District Registrar of your district.
Vispy Ichhaporia
(Querist) 23 August 2021
So then it means that because one is not a member of the Society then he/she should close his/her eyes and let the Society continue with its wrongdoings?