Solvent surety
(Querist) 11 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
Dear sir/madam,
I am the complainant in sec 376 case. The accused got bail in session court but was unable to get one solvent surety as per conditions for 2 months, he then applied for cash bail in sessions court which was rejected then suddenly he got a surety and was released on bail. Upon checking I have discovered this surety is not known to accused. The case is in Mumbai suburbs and surety is an old illiterate villager from a remote village in Maharashtra very far from Mumbai. How do I expose as police, magistrate have accepted the surety?
(Querist) 12 July 2016
Same question
(Querist) 12 July 2016
Same question
(Querist) 12 July 2016
Any ans please
Hemant Agarwal
(Expert) 12 July 2016
1. Surety can be "anybody" BUT should be a genuine person AND it does not matter IF the surety is a known or unknown person, as long as the surety can fulfill the courts penal conditions, if the accused absconds or jumps bail.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 12 July 2016
Whether surety has done any impersonation?
Whether surety is not good for the amount of bail bond?
If the answer is no, there is no case till accused jumps bail.
(Querist) 17 July 2016
I have confirmed with the help of detective tht the surety was arranged by lawyer in exchange for money and he has never seen or met accused but claims in his affidavit tht he is accused father's friend and knows accused from 3 yrs. I want to challenge this surety in court how do I do it?
(Querist) 17 July 2016
The surety is also unaware of the case, allegations and other things, he has said tht the lawyer coached him before taking him in front of magistrate.
(Querist) 18 July 2016
Please ans