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Sue officers under individual capacity

(Querist) 15 September 2021 This query is : Resolved 
Can officers of a Public sector (BSNL) be sued for damages (mental, financial and emotional) in an individual capacity which was as a result of decisions taken by them under official capacity ?? Its a employee service matter and I don't wish to drag my employer Organisation into any litigation. Kindly comment on a correct legal postion on this.
Decisions were taken by these two officers under official capacity which resulted in lot of financial loss and mental distress. Can they be sued under the civil law ?? Decisions taken under official capacity means the organisation for which they worked comes into picture. I just want to fix personal liability.
yogesh thaware (Querist) 19 September 2021
Pl comment on correct legal position on this.
P. Venu (Expert) 19 September 2021
This is a repeated query.

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