Transfer in Co-operative Society
(Querist) 26 March 2009
This query is : Resolved
Mr A & Mr B is real brother possessing flat in joint name. they both have not filed nomination in society. Mr A expired without "WILL" and has only wife and adult married daughter as legal heir. now Wife want to become joint member in place of her husband what document they have to prepare for them and for registered society for transfer the same.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 26 March 2009
by producing the legal heir certificate she can become the member of the co-opertive society. When husband is no more naturally legal heirs will succeed the property
(Expert) 27 March 2009
All the societies do not insist for heirship certificate. Some societies accept death certificate coupled with affidavits. Try that option also.
(Expert) 29 March 2009
all the societies may not insist for legal heir certificate, instead, they accept the death certificate with affidavit.
(Expert) 30 March 2009
I endorse above views.
Hiralal Das
(Expert) 04 April 2009
Yes,I agree with my learned friends. Please try to follow their valuable opinions.