Validity of sale deed executed
R Murali
(Querist) 29 April 2008
This query is : Resolved
"X" is an employee of a Co-op bank has made some mal-practices by withdrawing the deposits made by public in the bank by putting signature of the depositors or taking advance signatures from the parties at the time of deposit itself. This has come to the notice of the bank and an enquiry has been ordered under Sec.81 of Co-op. Society Act 1983. An order has also been obtained to attach the property belongs to "X" on 8.3.2007. But before that "X" has committed suicide. But before that in the year 2004 some properties has been purchased by his wife & all the revenue records stand in her name. In the attachment order issued by the Spl. Officer of Bank, her properties has also been included.
Under the circumstances, if any sale deed is executed by his wife with "Y" whether such sale proceeds valid?
Manish Singh
(Expert) 02 May 2008
If the property against which the attachment orders has been issued, is sold off afterwards knowing the fact that it has been attached, the sale deed becomes void means it has no legal binding force.