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who are the hiers if my father died without any will

(Querist) 29 September 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Here's the situation :
My mother had died in 1993. I and my sister are her 2 children. After the death of my mother, my father re-married in 1994. My step-mother got 3 children of her own (1 son and 2 daughters). But my father also died in 2004. He left no will or nominee with regards to properties. All these properties are in the name of my father. I want to ask how the property 'll be divided among survivors (which includes me, my sister, my step-mother and her 3 children). My grandmother/grandfather are no longer alive.
Kindly help. I live in new delhi and all properties in question are in delhi itself. I need genuine and complete legal advice.
I belong to a hindu brahmin family.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 29 September 2009
You, your sister , your step mother and her 3 children will get 1/6th share each in the properties.
Ur step mother and her children also the legal heirs of your deceased father.
Adinath@Avinash Patil (Expert) 29 September 2009
If you are christian ,The Indian succesion Act section 33 will apply you .
If you are Hindu,Hindu succession Act section 8 class I of the scheduld will apply you.
Are you govern by hindu law or any other.
PJANARDHANA REDDY (Expert) 29 September 2009
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Expert) 29 September 2009
agree with mr. patil.
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 29 September 2009
First tell us about the religion of your family.
laconic (Querist) 30 September 2009
The religion of my family is hindu.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 07 October 2009
If u r hindu then I am right.

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