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Who will be successor of deceased mother

(Querist) 19 September 2021 This query is : Resolved 
There was a land in the name of mother. Mother had one married son named A and two married daughter named B and C married to same person D. Current situation is mother and her husband died. Son A and daughter B also died.

After 1 year demise of Son A, his wife adopted a son for taking share of this property. The adopted son is not Actual son of A and adopted after 1 year of death of A.

Daughter B also died Having two children out of which one is died and other is living named E. Daughter C is alive with her husband and married children.

Q1. Who will be successor of property of deceased mother?

Q2. Can wife of deceased son A, claim a succession right over property by adopting a Son after his husbands death?

Q3. Can deceased daughter B's alive child can be a successor of this property ?

Q4. Can alive daughter along with her children Can be the successor of this property?

Q5. How the property will be distributed to its legal heir and what will be the ratio
K Rajasekharan (Expert) 19 September 2021
Based on the data provided it appears that the deceased mother’s property will be devolved to A’s wife, E and C equally, as of now.

Some details provided in the query are not relevant for the purpose; some other relevant details are not provided. Therefore, my conclusion is a tentative one.
P. Venu (Expert) 19 September 2021
The facts posted are confusing and disjointed. Please post facts in simple language.
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Expert) 19 September 2021

For Mother's property A's wife, B's child and c are the legal heirs. The property will be divided equally between them.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal (Expert) 19 September 2021
yes, mother's property rights will be devolved equally to A's wife, B's child E and daughter C.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 19 September 2021
Yes. For mother's property, A's wife, C, and children of B are having equal rights over the property.
krishna mohan (Expert) 20 September 2021
Clarity in query will help as it appears it is academic query.

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