widow claim after death of lawyer husband

Querist :
(Querist) 05 August 2011
This query is : Resolved
Respected sir,
My father was a lawyer (Mr. Kishore Kumar Srivastava, up bar council reg no. 5487/82), he died on 26 April 2011 he practice in civil court as a member of central bar council, Since 1982 till death date. After his death my mother claim under the widow help scheme as honorable chief minister declare for the help of those widow's whom husband died under 60 age, in which she will get 50000 rs as immediate help.
but due to some mistake 1 important document which left we attach the form identify by the president of bar council, death certificate ,high school certificate and bar council certificate. But we miss a documents in which president of bar council certified that advocate practice in his bar.
We posted all the documents to UP bar conucil, 19 mahrishi dayanand marg, Allahabad on 1-8-2011.
Now I want to know that my mother's form will be rejected or what should be my next move what would I do should I post it again or wait for while.
Please help me I have two sister to look after, I am the elederest one please help me.
Vibha Srivastava
342/162 Naubasta Lucknow

Querist :
(Querist) 05 August 2011
sir should I post all the document again or only the remainig one
(Expert) 05 August 2011
It is requested that please raise he same query repeatedly.